Remote Blood

A Remote Blood Pressure Cuff is an effective way of taking care of patients with hypertension and many other ailments. Patients are given an IoT Cat-M1 Blood Pressure Machine which automatically sends the information to our servers as soon as the patient has completed their Blood Pressure Measurement and it shows up on the provider’s dashboard.


IoT Cat-M1 Connected Devices

IoT Cat-M1 Connected Devices

IoT Cat-M1 connected Blood Pressure Monitor works right out of the box without the hassle of setting up. NO SMARTPHONE NEEDED

Full Support

Full Support

Device is delivered directly to the patient's HOME. Initial training & support is also provided with selected Plans.

Developer API

Developer API

Application Programming Interface makes it easy to manage the devices and send all the readings to your EMR or other software in real time.

ezvitals app

Remote Pulse

Remote Pulse Oximeter integrates with a state of the art Oximeter which providers an accurate measure of blood oxygen level, pulse rate, and perfusion index. For patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and many other pulmonary issues, monitoring of blood oxygen levels is of vital importance.

We Made Everything

Modern, Clean, Professional and
Easy to Use Devices

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Download ezVITALS APP
for free

ezVitals is a companion app for Remote Pulse Oximeter as prescribed by your healthcare provider or health plan. It allows sharing your health information with your healthcare provider. The application currently supports Wellue / Viatom Pulse Oximeter device. This application is not for emergency use.

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